Trick Dog Training: How To Build An Even Closer Bond With Your Dog

Treats from the Trainers: Trick Dog Training 

Who wouldn’t want to build an even closer bond with your dog through trick dog training?

At Dogs4Diabetics we are always looking for new, fun and innovative ways to educate our clients and Canine Training Partners.

Most recently, Lead Trainer Christina, put together a three-part series on how to teach your dog some super cool dog behaviors that have incredible benefits for you and your dog.

Why is it important to invest in training?

  1. It’s fun… learning new things and working with your dog is always fun for your dog and the whole family.
  2. It helps in understanding your dog’s behavior… dogs are excellent communicators through body language. They communicate from their eyes to their tails. Training your dog helps you understand what your dog and other dogs are trying to communicate.
  3. It will exercise the body and brain (dog and human)… training helps shape a dog who will think for itself, think outside the box, and offer desired behaviors.
  4. Builds timing… great timing helps with everything in your dog’s life, like obedience and socialization.
  5. Helps dogs enjoy their wellness care… being able to use training to reinforce nail clipping, ear cleaning, grooming, etc. is beyond beneficial. If a dog can learn to enjoy these necessary activities it can decrease and/or eliminate behavior issues and stress related to their care. And, hey, it also creates less work for you in the long run.
  6. Helps when problems arise… once you understand training basics you can identify and positively use food, toys and fun to motivate good behaviors or modify unwanted behaviors. It can even help build a dog’s confidence in situations where a dog might be fearful.
  7. Strengthens your bond… training serves to strengthen the bond between a dog and their partner. It builds communication, understanding, mutual respect, and subtly but effectively, demonstrates to your dog that you’re a good pack leader.

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